Celeste Elvar


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Co-created with AshMcGivern for our webcomic Adventure Squad

  • AGE: ~22
  • HEIGHT: 5'3"
  • ROLE ON TEAM: can do the big magicTM, support/ranged, precious baby angel must protec
Attack ○○○○○
Defense ●○○○○
Speed ●●○○○
Magic ●●●●●

She is a hopeless romantic and has a serious case of wanderlust. She left her comfortable lifestyle to see the world by means of hitchhiking across the country with adventuring parties. Celeste is not exactly cut out for combat or the adventuring life style, but she brings much needed charm to the team and valuable interpersonal skills.

  • Extremely bubbly and feminine
  • Eager to please/seeking approval - probably developed out of her strained relationship with her father after he remarried. She tends to bend over backwards to make someone else happy and not stand up for herself when she’s being bullied or taken advantage of.
  • Difficulty adjusting to adventuring life


Extremely talented magic user (of the sorcerer variety if this were 5e)

Relationships & Connections

Working for/with Garrett Freeflower and Cooper Bullettooth - Celeste feels safe with them and is eager to show them she can do a good job.

  • Appreciates that Cooper Bullettooth trusts her to do paperwork, but she rather not do paperwork. They both eagerly take part in gossip or discussing the latest fashion or the minor inconvenience of the day, like teenage girls.

  • Garrett Freeflower is like her uncle - he is friendly, wants to “be real” and teach her basic survival skills. He’s always encouraging her, but they have very little in the way of common interests.

Artfight/Commission Permissions

Bonus points if you draw her with her teammates Garrett Freeflower and/or Cooper Bullettooth.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024