Cooper Bullettooth


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Co-created with AshMcGivern for our webcomic Adventure Squad

  • AGE: ~28
  • HEIGHT: 6'1"
  • ROLE ON TEAM: accountant and project manager, anxious red friend
  • *this world's equivalent of a half-tiefling
Attack ●●●●●++
Defense ●●○○○
Speed ●●●○○++
Magic ●○○○○

Cooper is a charismatic people person despite his looks. Dropped out of "wizard college" to travel with his childhood friend Garrett Freeflower, leading to the eventual creation of their adventuring party. Spends most of his time reading, researching and doing paperwork and organizing his teammates. He enjoys the adventuring line of work, but doesn’t like being in the wilderness for extended periods of time.


Ambush fighter, strong offense, hits hard and fast at the expense of lower defenses; informal weapons training; small magic

Does most of the paperwork for the team and generally manages everyone.

Relationship & Connections
  • Garrett Freeflower - Childhood friends, close as brothers. Generally unafraid to share things with and tease each other. They keep each other’s secrets and support each other’s interests/endeavors. Genuinely love each other.

  • He trusts Celeste Elvar the most when it comes to paperwork.

Artfight/Commission Permissions

Bonus points if you draw him with his teammates Garrett Freeflower and/or Celeste Elvar.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024