Garret Freeflower


GalleryTag (Tumblr)Spotify Playlist
Co-created with AshMcGivern for our webcomic Adventure Squad

  • AGE: ~29
  • HEIGHT: 5'8"
  • ROLE ON TEAM: weapons master, good sword boy, short king and himbo
Attack ●●●●○
Defense ●●●●●
Speed ●○○○○
Magic ○○○○○

The only thing Garrett learned from knight school before he was forcibly removed was how to fight and handle all sorts of weapons. Garrett has little patience or respect for the rules, but he means well and puts other’s well being before his own. He is very enthusiastic about adventuring maybe a LITTLE too much of a thrill seeker for his compatriots. He’s kind hearted and genuinely invested in protecting other people from danger.

  • himbo.
  • possibly too positive an attitude.
  • superstitious and fears the supernatural


The tank, strong defense and can take a lot of hits, attacks are relatively calculated but slow; formal weapons training and versatile.

Helps find jobs and organize excursions, makes sure the team is properly equipped and supplies stay stocked.

Relationships & Connections
  • Cooper Bullettooth - Childhood friends, close as brothers. Generally unafraid to share things with and tease each other. They keep each other’s secrets and support each other’s interests/endeavors. Genuinely love each other.

  • Celeste Elvar - Garrett is like Celeste ’s cool uncle, will protect and wants her to succeed in life. Garrett enjoys trying to teach Celeste to use weapons and defend herself, despite her being terrible at it.

Artfight/Commission Permissions

Bonus points if you draw him with his teammates Cooper Bullettooth and/or Celeste Elvar

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024