Eric Brennus


5'10", lean, roguish, young adult between 17-25 years old; canonically in his original setting, he stays human looking, but we like turning him into a creature for fun.

  • If he lived on earth in 2001, he would for sure have frosted tips or look like he was in a ska band.
  • reckless, especially if it gets him attention
  • Despite popular belief, and to the surprise of everyone, he is smart enough to read.
  • not quite the village idiot or class clown, but a secret third thing
  • Experiencing some body dysphoria when he’s human turned creature
  • the guy playing wonderwall at the high school/college bonfire night
  • Perpetual 17 year old boy energy in the best and worst ways, definitely has the vibe of someone who doesn't want to grow up or have adult responsibilities.
  • relying a little too much on his boyish charms.
  • “Comes to the park on Saturday to watch me do sick flips”
  • got the ADHD
  • regarding Eiriogh's influence over Eric: two bagel
  • never feared death, but dying and coming back wrong has him reconsidering this stance on life.

Eric makes a deal with Eiriogh in which he trades his mortal soul and gains Eiriogh's fire abilities. The circumstances surrounding how they get to making the deal, usually involve Eric dying or coming close to death in order to meet Eiriogh in that "space between." Eiriogh promises Eric that he will live, if he accepts Eiriogh's gift of fire without explaining the terms and conditions, so of course Eric says yes.

Eric has very little control over these "gifts," he struggles to summon the fire when he wants it and it always seems to manifest when he doesn't want it or when he is in distress. The more he gives into it, the greater the chance that Eiriogh takes control.


In the Everking setting, Eric live with his brother in a remote, rural farming settlement in the eastern steps of the continent, one of the last vestiges of civilization that practice the "old ways" of magic and ancestor worship. His brother Sean is adept at magic potentially one of the best mages in their settlement, while Eric is not and seems to have no potential in this regard. So it comes as a surprise to everyone when Eric suddenly has the ability to create and control fire. Elemental magics are forbidden because they are the domain of the Fomori, if someone possess them, they are either Fomori themselves or the servent of one of the Fomori.

This spurs them to make a journey to seek help in correcting Eric's possession before he is complete consumed by the fire.

In D&D canon, Eric is a newly turned tiefling (based on the original lore of how the tiefling race was created), cursed by Eiriogh who would be the equivalent of a devil in the nine hells. Rogue is a better class fit than warlock (he's still not great at magic), however, he would have a "warlock pact" type of relationship to Eiriogh.

In an urban fantasy setting, much is the same with the execption of Eric being classified as a changeling (half human, half fae) with Eiriogh mostly likely being his biological father. Some catalyst causes him to undergo transformation from human to creature as his abilities manifest, has to quickly figure out his shit while saying off the radar of the Wicces (magic police).

Relationships, Factions & Connections
  • Eiriogh - The embodiment of fire that holds Eric's mortal soul as ransom. Alternatively, his progenitor, or direct ancestor. In D&D, Eiriogh would pay the role of a forgotten god and patron in an unwilling warlock pact.

  • Sean Brennus - Eric's younger sibling, Sean acts like the older sibling and is way more responsible than Eric, often cleaning up after Eric makes a mess of things. Sean is the voice of reason in Eric's life.

  • The Fool - blissfully unaware of the dangers before himself, the begining of a journey
  • Death - unavoidable change, transition or transformation, from his own stupidity and at the hands of Eiriogh.

Artfight/Commission Permissions
  • You can draw him as human, a creature or something in between! He's definitely my number one "I do not want to be a creature and am uncomfortable with these changes" character.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024