Ulhrah Maulvi


~30, 5'7" appears elven with "more fae like qualities," pinkish purple opalescent eyes, the ability to alter her shape using glamour. Unnaturally stealthy.

Brough up fae, which means she was never exposed to or forbidden to learn about other cultures of the Otherworld. A lot of cultural nuance goes right over her head and modern conveniences are a novelty to her. She struggles with the bureaucracies of mob politics and thinks all this posturing is pointless when you can simply kill your enemies, which is far more efficient. Ulhrah has an insatiable craving for sweets, she almost can't help herself.

She’s a new addition to Tlakeln’s crew, trained to be an assassin who works in the shadow and has learn the bureaucracies of mafia politics and how to work with more thuggish types


Per an arangment between their two factions, sent to work with Tlakeln to be reintegrated into society and to be extra protection (other factions getting rowdy and trying things). 

Raised by Mada Faahthorn and employed as an assassin for the fae. Saved from a human trafficking circle (the fae like to steal human children) but not before trauma. A changeling, “fae touched” in the sense that she was born human, stolen by the fae and changed by fae magic. Ulhrah is "too far gone" to be reintegrated into human society.

Relationship, Factions & Connections

Ulhrah is a fish out of water, disconnected from what she knows and everyone she meets is immediately suspicious of her because she is part fae.

  • Tlakeln Orthrod - enemies to lovers situation; sUlhrah is frustrated that Tlakeln doesn’t trust her but doesn’t actually want to kill him; for now she'll settle for getting under his skin and pressing all his buttons.
  • Mada Faahthorn - Ulhrah has deep respect and affection for Mada, the person who raised her, even if Mada doesn't return that affection in kind.
  • generational trauma (probably)
  • The Warrior - Confident, (until they are laid low), strong, determind, uncompromising. Usually already in posession of a unique skill set and seek justice or vengence.
  • Fish out of Water
  • Fool for Love?
  • Ineffectual Loner
  • Mafia Princess? - She has the right attitude for this, kind of a brat, Tlakeln begrudgingly dotes on her

Artfight/Commission Permissions

Originally a TTRPG character so feel free to draw her like that too!

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024