⟡ Overview ⟡


⟡ Sprung from me and friend shipping our characters BUT it's an urban fantasy crime drama combining a lot of the elements you'll see elsewhere on this site.

Following the two protagonists (Tlakeln Orthrod and Ulhrah Maulvi) who have to find a way to work together (ideally peacefully) without killing each other or starting a turf war. Dispositioned to distrust each other because of their upbringing/heritage. Through their interactions and exploits, uncover a dark(er) truth about how their organizations work and how they’ve been used/manipulated into compliance - but also its enemies to lovers.

Spotify Playlist - TlakelnxUlhrah (for the shipping mostly)


Features a human “Overworld” and an “Otherworld” with all matter of creatures from myth and legend. For centuries, the High Fae Courts and the Wicce Council have kept the denizens of the otherworld secluded for their own protection and to prevent another war with humanity. Many otherworlders feel differently, that life under Fae and Wicce rule is no different than living in fear on the surface. Others yearn to return to the surface, to possibly live in peace among humans while others have more nefarious motivations. This has led to the rise of renegade factions and crime syndicates, some are in it for their own personal gain, others want to make the Otherworld a better place, both are working outside the law.

The backdrop is a modern fictional city (2010-2020’s) in the human world and its alternate more anachronistic counterpart in the otherworld (1990’s-2000's).


  • Inspired by stories that deal with supernatural/superhuman “others” (Hellboy, X-Men) and folklore surrounding "fae folk"
  • dealing a lot with trauma, toxic relationships and societal expectations

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024