August "Gus" Hans


Generally goes by "Hans" and will correct strangers to use Hans as his preferred name. "Gus" only to acquaintances and friends which he tolerates, only his partner/family are allowed to call him "August."

~40-43 years old, 6'4" pale winged chimera; partially deaf in left ear. Noted that feathered wings are "not typical of his species" who usually have fully webbed wings, implying that the feathers are a modification to substitute the clearly malformed/cropped webbing.

A curmudgeon, outwardly uncaring with a real "fuck off" vibe and isn't bothered by upsetting people. When it comes to business, will only do what it literally says on the contract and nothing more. Not particularly fond of being in zero gravity, alas, that is a big part of the job. The best way to get on his good side, possibly even have him open up, is to engage him in his special interests or ask for his "expert opinion".


Seniority has earned him the title of captain (a title bequeathed to him when Marco retired, much to Gus' surprise) but also fills the role of head engineer of the Merkavah. Of the three current crew members, he has worked the longest with the Company.

Has a knack for fixing things, which initially earned him a job on the Merkavah maintaining the mechanical parts of the ship and working similar contracts. He tinkers with things seemingly out of shear boredom and to pass the time in transit.

The mismatched paneling and odd collage of hardware was because the captain was constantly taking apart and rebuilding things seemingly out of boredom, though this only seemed to apply to things that were not broken but “could be improved” - things that were broken or constantly breaking down, but not a necessity, seemed to stay broken. There was evidence of this all over, especially in the form of tapped over light switches, empty spaces where something used to exist and sticky notes to remind the crew “do NOT run the coffee maker and the microwave at the same time.

Before being brought aboard the Merkavah as a dedicated crewmate, Gus likely hitched rides between systems working with the Company as an independent contractor. Likely met Hana through some long term employment that place him on her station/ship/planet.

Relatively young (18-21) when he had his wings modified with feathers (possible accident at work that mangled them); no complications following the operation.

Relationship, Factions & Connections

The three core crew members are all emotionally closed off in their own ways which weirdly enough means they understand each other and work well together despite constant bickering. End of the day, everyone understands that they are trapped on this ship together so they should try not to kill each other. Their skill sets are complimentary, they strive for equal say in decision making despite titles.

  • Cole Riley - First mate, ~35 years old, the ship's pilot and comms person, a therian. The most personable of the three, worked with Gus under Marco for a number of years. Chief bickerer of semantics. Has been banned from kitchen duty.
  • Rene Severino - Second mate, ~25-28 years old, weapons and security, a psion with the ability to redirect kinetic energy which manifests as "super strength," a "using brute force to solve problems" type of gal. Last hire before Marco retired. Constantly told she can't smoke on the ship, or to do it in the airlock.

Other notable people:

  • Marco Gianni - former owner/captain of the Merkavah, now retired, a therian. Connected to Company sub-factions in the outer systems, those connections were passed on to the current crew and are a source of off the books side contracts.
  • Aradhana "Hana" Veda - a doctor working with an interstellar medical corps, has a daughter (Madison) from another partner, a mosaic; Gus' partner of ~10 years; Gus will do whatever he can within his power to keep the Merkavah close to where Hana is stationed so they are not spending weeks apart from each other. Literally a different person when he is with Hana and Madison.

Artfight/Commission Permissions

feel free to change outfits or time periods - he's been in a 1990's, late 1800s and now a space setting.

Character Design & Anatomy

I would prefer if you used his more recent design/anatomy but I will also still love whatever you draw even if you don't use his updated design - please absolutely simplify his wings if it means you'll have an easier time drawing them :)

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024