STS Merkavah - Space Setting

⟡ Piggybacking off of Ash's space setting for her Dragon Knight characters just to have an environment where we can reunite our boys Ikamo and Hans (we forced them to be friends through an art rpg group a loong time ago)

The gist is that Ikamo is on the run and has snuck onto the Merkavah as a stowaway. The crew has no idea that he is there but keep hearing strange noises in the vents (sus) and finding their things misplaced, leading them to believe the ship is haunted.

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They'll find Ikamo eventually.


The Merkavah


STS Freighter Merkavah
K-H5 Argo-Theseus Class Freighter

A mid-sized light freighter that’s been altered overtime by its crew to become a multipurpose and general cargo ship. It's an older ship with archaic systems relative to current advancements in space travel (retro futuristic aesthetics of the Millenium Falcon, the Nostromo, the Event Horizon/Lewis & Clark), but well maintained; designed to support an 6-8 person crew (max 20 people on board), but they've figured out how to make it work with 3 people.

This class of freighter is modular and designed for both space travel (a tug boat for large container ships) and frequent atmospheric re-entry (spaceplane adjacent), making it most useful as an interplanetary transport vehicle, especially in systems that lack widespread interplanetary transit networks or have a need for transporting personnel/resources to and from orbit (see the STS Company). Most K-H5's are equipped with point defense canons (PDCs) as a means of defense against space debris, but are of course used in close combat with other ships. While not fast, it has exceptionally precise maneuverability in a vacuum.

It's insignia is that of four interlocking wheels with the central wheel having two fiery wings. The imagery and name are associated with "the heavenly throne-chariot of god" - the ship does no live up to that name. The Merkavah does not don the STS liveries on it's hull, but the crew have STS "uniforms" which they wear as needed.

The crew are contracted by "The STS Company" to maintain/fix outpost communication instruments/devices across "the outer systems" in addition to usual transportation contracts. The crew of the Merkavah was given very little information about these outposts beyond how to maintain/fix them - they don’t care who the client is so long as they keep getting paid. Between (or occasionally during) Company contracts, the crew conducts semi-legal side business (salvaging and reselling materials, smuggling, possible rebel activity if the narrative calls for it) as a means of extra income and/or bartering for supplies when planet side. The Merkavah isn't officially aligned with any of the STS sub-factions save for the contacts Gus inherited from Marco, but they have been known to work with sub-factions from time to time.

The Merkavah operates in the "outer systems" which are a collection of planets that have small settlements and are largely uninhabited. Most importantly, the larger intergalactic powers tend to not visit the outer systems.

The STS Company

⟡ It's called "the company" because we never came up with an actual name. The similarities with "lethal company" are merely a coincidence.

"Space Transportation Systems Company" is marketed as an affordable transportation service, they claim to provide a multitude of services when it comes to travel and transport (i.e. whatever the client asks for, they will find some guy to do it). The Company connects clients (individuals, other companies, governments, research groups, etc they’ll take whoever is willing to pay) with contractors who have the means to get the job done for probably less than the commercial rate. The Company is no one’s first choice but have 3 stars on yelp, are reliable and will keep things quiet as needed.

Became a cornerstone of travel and commerce in the "outer systems" (or in general, anywhere larger companies and governments don’t want to go). Regular contractors for “The Company” formed a loose network (or unofficial union if you will) to exchange information about jobs, rates, etc, and from this they started conducting semi-legal business both during contracts and in downtime (salvaging, smuggling, bounty hunting, mercenary work). 

The official "company" is really just a formality and mostly acts as a point of contact, the real infrastructure is run by these individual contractors and their respective factions who have a surprising amount of leverage in terms of who and what can be transported/traded in certain sectors.

SS Arthas

a colony ship commissioned by [earth government] to transport people, half of it was converted to be used as medical research/relief when visiting distant settlements and stations. Spends more time docked in stations than in transit, moves from station to station in a dedicated route.

Therians, Psions, Mosaics & Chimeras

⟡ These are the terms I used to distinguish different types of mutations in the Underground. In this setting, they are recently evolved from earthlings and still appear very human.

  • Therians - shapeshifters that have two dedicated forms
  • Psions - individuals with “superpowers”
  • Mosaics - shapeshifters that can change/adapt to different shapes/biologies at will
  • Chimeras - individuals who’ve evolved fixed physical and biological adaptations.

Psions and mosaics can pass as human while therians and chimeras typically cannot.

Psions physical bodies typically grow to adapt to their abilities, i.e. someone with super strength would have denser bones. the line is drawn at their physicality staying within the realm of "human"

  • examples: super strength, telepathy, teleportation, phasing, invisibility, speed, accuracy, regeneration, elements, durability
  • Rene Severino's psionic abilities involved the redirection of kinetic energy, which essentially makes her indestructible to fast moving objects, she can absorb that "momentum" through touch and "reuse" it; she can only hold onto the energy for a short period of time before releasing it; it manifests as temporary super strength, speed and durability when she times it right. Includes redirecting momentum from one part of her body to another. Has cybernetic implants to reinforce her long bones and give her "permanent" strength.

Therians and Mosaics are a relatively "young" types of shapeshifters, in that their shapeshifting is generally inefficient, uncomfortable and even painful compared to other types of shapeshifters in the galaxy (Ash's guys). Once a Therian or Mosaic has shifted, they're committed to that form for as little as a few hours up to a few weeks before shifting again, to let the body recover before the next shift. The process of shapeshifting is slow (as in, it's not instantaneous or could take up to several minutes).

Therians are limited to their two forms (human and non-human), their shapeshifting less complex than mosaics and is relatively more fluid/stable as a result. There is no partial shifting into hybrid forms, once the process has started it doesn't stop until it's finished. Most Therians have features of their non-human form when appearing human (depending on the individual), usually in the form of surface level changes, soft tissue and extra limbs/appendages - these features generally don't given them any advantages and they are still considered "human." Unlike mosaics, Therians cannot gain/lose mass when shifting. A Therian's alternate form is determined mostly by genetics with minor deviations that don't settle until puberty. It's generally believed that the more "practice" a Therian has with shapeshifting, the more control they have over their changes.

  • Cole Riley prefers to stay in his human form and generally resists shapeshifting as a whole, because of this, tends to shift when stressed or threatened and gets stuck in this alternate form for a few days. Actively shaves the mane.

Mosaic shapeshifting is mimicry of other species biology and abilities, usually through physical contact. They can only take on one form at a time (all or nothing, no cherry picking what they want), but can copy anything and gain/loose mass as needed. Mosaic shifting is less stable/inefficient, takes more time and energy to fully shift (the idea being that they have to "create a new blueprint" instead of switching between two existing like Therians), exhausting the shifter in the process. Most have learned to plan their shifts as uncontrolled/unplanned shifting can be dangerous to the mosaic. Once shifted, they tend to remain in that form for at least a few days, if not a few weeks before attempting to shift again - they could also stay in one form indefinitely. Will always look like themselves regardless of the species they are mimicking, as in, they can't change their "core appearance."

  • Aradhana Veda does not share that herself and her daughter are mosaics, has not been "flagged" as a mosaic and is trying to keep it that way. She does not shift recreationally/casually, would only shift as a last resort if she can help it. Will note for both Hana and Madi that there is RARELY a reason/need for them to change in general
  • Madison is young and still understanding what this ability is and how to use/control it. When she shifts, she generally needs constant physical contact to the other person, its usually unintentional, and she doesn't know what's happening or its a stress response to a situation. Is prone to seizures and blacking out when shifting.

Chimeras pretty straight forward, non-human features, no shapeshifting, no "super powers" beyond their physicality. Appearances range from looking relatively human to not human at all.

  • can attempt to manufacture chimeras through biological mods.
Modifications, Biological & Cybernetic

Any number of things done to the body to increase quality of life/survivability in space and on different planets. Cybernetics and simple/temporary biological modifications (i.e. vaccinations) are relatively common with high (if temporary or less potent overall) success rates, there's a standard procedure so they can be mass produced safely (and to accommodate different biologies). This opens up space travel for the average person.

Permanent biological modifications are highly regulated, even restricted to those that qualify under certain professions (military, other hazardous professions). Usually require complex/lengthy operations so candidates are screened to determine whether they are well enough to survive such a drastic change to their bodies. Even then, there's no guarantee that the body won’t reject the mod after the operation. Some modifications of this nature require regular medication or check ups to to maintain the mod. Cybernetics are more common/easier to get on the basis that they are easier to mass produce and less complex to integrate.

People are of course getting these kinds of modifications done off the books. Cybernetic mods are easier to track (you either bought them legitimately or they are stolen goods), unauthorized biological mods are near impossible to track.

Study of shapeshifters and shapeshifter DNA is what advances breakthroughs in biological mods, however it is moving at a snails pace because of the ethics of it (and we’ll throw in the political and moral ramifications of a super race that can survive any climate being manufactured by some superpower and how that’s a bad thing).

The Underground's NYC

Formerly, these characters exists in an alternate 1990's NYC as a special unit of the NYPD to "police their own kind" for the sake of better public relations between humans and non humans.

Originally had a comic about it, that has long since been cancelled.

A science fiction police drama, set in an alternate 1990’s New York City, which follows the lives of a handful of characters trying to survive and do what little they can in a volatile society on the brink of collapsing

In an attempt to “keep the peace” and provide adequate lives for “all citizens”, governments throughout the world have adopted strict regulations on housing, jobs and markets. In retaliation, there have been several movements among mutants and humans, unfortunately most of these underground communities are run by crime lords and anarchists who undermine any and all progress.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024