Emil Sterling


Warlock of the Undying; tall, thin with pale grayish purple skin, white hair and white eyes, appears to be around ~35 years old. He wears a long billowing coat which obscures his form and distracts opponents. Can probably pass as drow.

Megalomaniac, chaotic evil, becoming a vampire/dhampir is the best thing that's ever happened to him, trying usurp his patron and become god.

Sometimes has a goblin friend named S'crum who follows him around whether he likes it or not (S'crum is food and shinies motivated so the problem works itself outfit)

  • Emil puts his own desires before the needs of others, lying and manipulating people into doing or giving him what he wants. Will never stop lying, cheating and stealing his way through life.
  • Pathological liar.
  • Has been “humbled” by the experience of travelling and surviving for almost a year on his own - Emil follows some laws, mostly the ones about murder in broad daylight.
  • Enjoys the taste of blood and indulges his hunger regularly.
  • Doesn’t share information or resources with others but he can be bribed (preferable) or physically threatened into cooperating. Feeding his ego is worth a shot. 
  • The only person Emil has any affection for is S'crum, who he treats like a pet and his personal minion. Emil will fight anyone who is mean to S'crumb, but still treats S'crum like garbage himself.
  • His contempt for literally everyone is his way of denying that he’s maybe envious of, or cares about people??


Taken in and sired by Benedict Tierney, the patriarch of a noble “family” of vampires. Was given an education, learned sword fighting and how to manipulate people but his childhood was far from nurturing. As an adult, Emil was a rowdy dirty boi who liked to go into town, spend the family’s wealth on gambling, alcohol and women, drink blood and murder whenever he felt like it. Upon confronting Emil about his garbage lifestyle, Emil flipped them all the bird, stole some family heirlooms, and left with the claim that ‘he didn’t need them anyways’. They figured his recklessness would get him killed soon enough and put all the bad press on the Tierney’s to rest.

Emil burned through the money he took in a matter of days and quickly realized that it sucks to be poor and hungry all the time. Wandered from town to town, stealing and manipulating people as he could. Learned the hard way that he can’t just assault people and drink their blood willy nilly without consequences and lack of a vampire family to cover your ass. Eventually figured out it’s better to keep his crimes and what he is on the down low.

Meets Crumb a few months before the start of this campaign, who helped Emil fight off some bounty hunters who were looking for Emil.

Emil’s (unrealistic) goal is to amount enough wealth or power to get back at the Tierney’s for throwing him out, maybe also become the god of the undying in the process.

Artfight/Commission Permissions

feel free to mess around with time periods and outfits!

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Meredith Nolan © 2024